The Distance Learning Company Affiliate Partner Program focuses on income generating opportunities for schools and businesses using our three core products:, and These income opportunities include both reselling and linking to our core products.
Affiliate Partners that resell Distance Learning Company core products offer these e-learning opportunities as their own courses, with a variety of customized features: home page design and logo options, tailored marketing strategies, unique URLs, and other features that create strong and identifiable branding for resellers. The core courses are maintained on and delivered by the Distance Learning Company's proprietary state-of the-art, e-learning software and hardware platforms.
Strong support for Affiliate Partners who resell our core courses is key to the success of this program. The Distance Learning Company works closely with all Affiliate Partners, providing marketing assistance, full service, 800 number student support, and an array of user enrollment, payment processing and completion certificate services. In addition, DLC provides web-based student and payment tracking functionality for the Affiliate Partner. Payments for course completions are made directly from the Distance Learning Company to the Affiliate Partner.
Affiliate Partners that install and support links from their websites directly to Distance Learning Company core courses receive payments for each student who arrives at the core course landing page or for each student who completes the linked course.
For a complete description of the range of income generating opportunities as a Distance Learning Company Affiliate Partner, please contact us at